Xero is a cloud based accounting software with over two million subscribers worldwide. It's simple to use and is accessible anywhere you have an internet connection. Some other great features that are built in to Xero include Xero payroll, bank feeds, customisable reporting and native apps for Android and iOS.
Since the very early days, Xero has had an open API which has allowed companies, such as Tidy, to tightly integrate with the platform. Tidy is a long standing established Xero Connected App Partner with Xero.
Tidy has a long standing integration with Xero through the connection with their API.
Through the API, Tidy feeds transactions relating to the Supplier Invoice so that Xero may generate an accounts payable invoice to pay the supplier.
Within TidyStock and TidyEnterprise, where inventory is added to update stock levels or made available for use on a project, an accounting transaction is sent to Xero to create an Accounts Payable Invoice.
For Time and materials projects, when time and materials are written to a project and are marked as approved within Tidy, the project becomes available for billing and a relevant invoice is added to the Invoice Queue.
A Fixed Price project invoice can be added to the invoice queue by setting the status to Complete or marking a Milestone as achieved.
From the invoice queue, one click will allow you to create an invoice in Xero ready for your normal billing process.
This integration can be easily set up following the simple steps below.
Step 1. Sign in to your Tidy account
Step 2. Go to 'Global Settings' at the top of your browser window
Step 3. Locate the ‘Xero’ section in the 'organization' tab of 'Global Settings' and click it
Step 4. You will now see a green button ‘Connect to Xero”
Step 5. Clicking the button will open a new browser window where you’ll be asked to authenticate with Xero (just follow the prompts)
Step 6. You have now connected Tidy with Xero!
Read more about the Xero integration on our support pages.
I really like the sound of integrating my accounting software with Tidy but I do not use Xero. What are my options?
A developer can use the Tidy API to integrate with your preferred accounting software of choice. Read more about our developer API.
I would like assistance with configuring Tidy and Xero, and perhaps some other solutions, can you help?
The team at Tidy can help you configure and optimise Tidy, but we are not experts on other solutions. Tidy works with competent cloud integration partners all around the world. Find the integration partner nearest you.