(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyStock)
We've added a new Material Item Price Import/Export area. This allows you to bulk import a CSV file in the form of a price matrix, with price levels and quantity breaks for each Material Item. This can be accessed from Global Settings > Import/Export on the Material Prices tab.
Exporting the prices will allow you to see the correct formatting and easily update the existing prices. The first column shows the Material Item code. Then there is a column for each Pricing Level and Quantity Break.
Material Price Levels need to be already created in Tidy (you can't add new Pricing Levels via the bulk import). However Quantity Breaks for each Pricing Level can be added by using the convention: "Pricing Level Name Quantity+". For example: "Trade 100+". Fields can be left empty where a Material Item does not utilise that Pricing Level or Quantity Break.
(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyWork TidyBuild)
When entering Time, Materials or Expenses, you can now quickly navigate to dates in the past. Previously you could only do this by paging one week or month at time. We've added a Date Picker, showing a mini calendar, so you can quickly navigate to past dates.
(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyWork TidyBuild TidyStock)
We've increased the maximum length of Material Item names. They can now be up to 100 characters (previously the maximum was 60). Please note, using a long Material Item name will affect the display in some reports, and may cause the text to wrap onto the next line resulting in variable line spacing.