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Communicating, Project Material Location, Mobile Material Entries

May 29, 2018

Communicating with Tidy

(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyWork TidyBuild TidyStock)

We've updated the way you can communicate with us and receive support. We now have a single place for all communication including support, enquires and news. This will make it easier for you to keep track of all your communication with us.

The new icon for this is a comment box with a question mark in the middle. You'll see it at the top right and bottom right inside Tidy. From there you can start a new conversation, see answers to conversations, or see messages from us. You'll also be able to see all the past conversations you've had with us on this channel, right inside Tidy. This will make it easier for you to keep track of past conversations. When we answer you, you'll get the message in Tidy immediately. If you don't see it within a couple of minutes, you'll also receive our answer by email. Or if you're using email to reply, you'll get email responses from us immediately.

Project Material Location

(Affects TidyEnterprise)

A new Projects Material Location field has been added. This will determine where Material entries are defaulted to use (deduct) Materials from when they are used on a Project.

There is a new Project Material Location field on the Project Edit screen which allows you to choose from your Material Locations. If this is set, then when you make a Material entry for an Unplanned Material, it will default the Location select box to this location. For a Planned Material it will automatically set the Location to the Project Material Location. (This can be edited later.) Material entries from Mobile will also default to this same Project Material Location.

If the Project Material Location is not set, Material entries will default to the Default Location for the Material (defaults can be set on each Material Item).

The new Project Material Location field can also be set on the Quote Edit screen. It will transfer to the resulting Project once the Quote is accepted.

We've updated the API to include MaterialLocationId in Projects and Quotes.

Deleting Rejected Time, Material and Expense Entries

(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyWork TidyBuild)

Time, Material and Expense entries with a Rejected status can now be deleted while they are in the Rejected status, by the user who entered them. Previously deletion was limited to entries in an Unsubmitted status, which meant that Rejected entries had to first be edited, to change them to an Unsubmitted status, in order to delete them.

Mobile Material Entries

(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyWork TidyBuild)

Planned Material entries from Mobile will now use the Project's planned pricing. (Previously the default Material pricing was used.)

(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyWork TidyBuild)

Creating a Planned Material entry on Mobile, now automatically populates the Material Name field with the Material Item. (Previously this had to be manually entered.)

Material Items

(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyStock)

When a Material Item or Assembly is cloned, there is now the option to also clone any custom pricing information.


(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyWork TidyBuild)

Fixed an issue where invoicing for a Project which included an Adjustment did not set the Adjustment status to Applied.


(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyWork TidyBuild)

Fixed an issue which occurred when finalising a Fixed Price Project which had any achieved Milestones and Project level Invoice Adjustments. On a Fixed Price Project, setting its status causes the Invoice Queue to scan for outstanding amounts. If an adjustment is made this was correctly catered for if there were no intermediate milestones. If there had been milestones achieved, regardless of whether the sum of the milestones is equal to the total project Fixed Price value or not, the finalising calculation did not previously include the adjustment amount.

(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyWork TidyBuild TidyStock)

Fixed an issue which would cause an error with importing customers from your connected financial accounting software (e.g. Xero) when there were multiple customers with similar names.

(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyWork TidyBuild TidyStock)

Fixed an issue which would cause an error when trying to invoice a customer that is not yet mapped to a contact in your connected financial accounting software (e.g. Xero).

(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyWork TidyBuild)

When no Custom Template is selected for a Quote, then the default Custom Template for Quotes will be available in the Generate Quote dialog (if a default is set). Previously the default Custom Template for Project Proposals was available instead.

(Affects TidyEnterprise TidyWork TidyBuild)

The Generate Quote dialog now displays the Custom Templates area correctly. Previously the Custom Template area was misaligned.

Minor Fixes & Release Notes